Recoveries & insolvencies

The Litigation Department also attends to:

  • Applications for the liquidation of companies or close corporations and the sequestration of private individuals, where-after the insolvent estate falls into the hands of the Liquidator duly appointed by the Master of the High Court.
  • Commercial Recoveries, i.e. debt collecting services for a wide range of institutions. We have a substantial staff complement in this department and are well equipped with streamlined processes to attend to large volumes of instructions.
  • Asset based recoveries i.e where a creditor holds security for its claim against a debtor in the from of a mortgage bond over fixed property, a cession of book debts, pledge of shares, a credit agreement such as a lease or installment sale agreement pertaining to motor vehicles, equipment or other movables.
Pieter Delport

Pieter Delport



Inge Hendrikse

Inge Hendrikse Van Wyk



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